Saunton Golf Club
Name of Child Date of Birth of Child Name of Parents/Guardians Emergency Contact Number Child's Doctor's Name Name and Address of Doctor's Surgery Doctor's Surgery Telephone Number Does your child experience any conditions requiring medical treatment and/or medication? Yes NoIf yes, please give details Does your child have any allergies? Yes NoIf yes, please give details Does your child have any specific dietary requirements? Yes NoIf yes, please give details The Equality Act 2010 defines a disabled person as 'anyone with a physical/mental impairment, which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day to day activities. Does your your child to have a disability? Yes NoIf yes, please give details Does your child have any communication needs? (e.g. a non-English speaker, sign language) Yes NoIf yes, please give details I confirm to the best of my knowledge that my child does not suffer from any medical condition other than those detailed above. Yes NoI agree to notify the Club of changes. Yes NoI give permission for the Club to give immediate authority on my behalf for any medical or surgical treatment recommended by medical authorities to prevent any delay being incurred by seeking my consent. Yes NoMy child has my permission to be on the golf club’s premises. Yes NoI acknowledge that the Club is not responsible for providing adult supervision for my child except for formal junior golf coaching. Yes NoI consent to my child being photographed by authorised personnel and the content published on social media, in Club newsletters and on promotional material. Yes NoI consent to my child being transported by representatives of the Club to and from venues when he/she is representing the Club. Yes NoSignature of Parent/Guardian Confirm