Category | Fee | GU Levies | Total |
Full Membership | £1,377.00 | £21.25 | £1,398.25 |
Full Membership (75-79) | £1,239.00 | £21.25 | £1,260.25 |
Full Membership (80+) | £826.00 | £21.25 | £847.25 |
Country Membership | £826.00 | £10.00 | £836.00 |
Reciprocal | £917.00 | - | £917.00 |
Full Membership (31-35) | £1,102.00 | £21.25 | £1,123.25 |
Full Membership (28-30) | £826.00 | £21.25 | £847.25 |
Youth (25-27) | £688.00 | £21.25 | £709.25 |
Youth (21-24) | £448.00 | £21.25 | £469.25 |
Youth (18-20) | £345.00 | £21.25 | £366.25 |
Overseas | £688.00 | - | £688.00 |
Artisan | £628.00 | - | £628.00 |
Social/Non-Playing | £70.00 | - | £70.00 |
*Please note: for Full and Country Memberships there is a Joining Fee of £688.50
Category | Fee | GU Levies | Total |
Under 18 | £138.00 | £21.25 | £159.25 |
Under 16 | £111.00 | £21.25 | £132.25 |
Under 14 | £83.00 | £21.25 | £104.25 |
Under 12 | £55.00 | £21.25 | £76.25 |
Under 10 | £41.00 | £21.25 | £62.25 |
Wee Wonders (Under 8) | Free | £21.25 | £21.25 |
Please complete a MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM and send it to Saunton Golf Club Ltd or send an enquiry by completing this ONLINE FORM.
Saunton Golf Club Ltd, Nr. Braunton, North Devon, EX33 1LG
If you do not know any Club Members to Propose and Second you, a Letter of Introduction from the Secretary/General Manager of your current or previous Club would be considered by the Committee.
Please note: We currently have a waiting list for all Membership categories (except Juniors), however, if you would like to be added to the list, please complete an application form and send it through to us. We ask for a one-off fee of £200 to be on our waiting list. This fee will be deducted from your Joining Fee when a space becomes available for you. With this commitment, you will become a Non-Playing Member of the Club which will give you access to all of our facilities (Bar, Restaurant and Practice Areas) except for the courses. You will also receive a Bar Card giving you discount in the Bar & Restaurant and will receive Club communications.
To view our Safeguarding Policy for Adults, please click here.