In order to protect the players in these exceptional times we are allowing a method of scoring that does not strictly comply with Rule3.3b.
You will need to record your own score on the scorecard in column A and your playing partners score in the markers column.
At the end of the round please verbally certify the score with your partner and sign your own card, no need for your playing partner to sign your card.
Please deposit the certified & signed scorecard in the box outside the Main Office.
In order to protect the players in these exceptional times we are allowing a method of scoring that does not strictly comply with Rule3.3b.
You will need to record your own score on the scorecard in column A and your playing partners score in the markers column.
At the end of the round please verbally certify the score with your partner and sign your own card, no need for your playing partner to sign your card.
Please deposit the certified & signed scorecard in the box outside the Main Office.